Friday, May 11, 2012

Codes of Ethics that are meaningful to me

"Appreciate childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle"~ naeyc 2005

Childhood is such a magical time and with the blink of an eye, it can be over.   As adults we sometimes forget to see the joy in the small things, children teach us to remember.

 "We shall strive to build individual relationships with each child; make individual adaptations in teaching strategies, learning environments, and curricula; and consult with the family so that each child benefits from the program.  If after such efforts have been exhausted, the current placement  does not meet a child's needs, or the child is seriously jeopardizing the ability of other children to benefit from the program, we shall collaborate with the child's family  and appropriate specialists to determine the additional services needed and/or the placement option(s) most likely to ensure the child's success." (Aspects of this principle may not apply in programs that have a lawful mandate to provide services to a particular population of children.) ~naeyc 2005

Part of being a professional is having the ability to ask for help and realizing that diversity amongst early education programs is beneficial in serving the needs of different children.

"We shall build relationships with individual children and families while individualizing the curricula and learning environments to facilitate young children's development and learning." ~ DEC 2005

Learning to be flexible and adjust our programs to the specific needs of individual children can make a significant difference in a child who may be a productive learner or be lagging behind.


  1. I believe the point you have mentioned concerning the ability to ask for help is a pillar that sustains every child care provider in his or her journey. Sometimes we fall into the trap of not seeking other people’s advice, and that leads us to failed attempts of resolving certain matters. I also agree with you that being flexible and addressing each child's unique potential whilst setting a program is another significant and essential code. Thank you for the prompt.

  2. Childhood is indeed a very short period in the course of a person's life. It is the most impressionable time, and the time when learning takes place the most rapidly. Therefore, we must as child care providers, capitalize of this short window of time, by granting children the right to a healthy development by abiding by the NAEYC's and DEC's code of ethics.

  3. Wow Tracy, beautiful pictures of your classroom. It must be a pleasure working with them. Great selections of the code of ethics, I like the code that is about part of being a professional is having the ability to ask for help and realize that diversity amongst early childhood is beneficial in serving the needs of different children. This is so true,at times some professionals might feel ashamed to ask questions if something is unclear to them. They might feel that there is a deficiency on their part, but it is always better to ask than to assume the answer.

  4. Good choices. Having a close relationship with children and families is a great thing to have.
