Friday, May 11, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

Growing up there was definitely people who had both positive and negative influences in my life.  I will discuss the positive ones starting with my parents.  They were both extremely hard workers themselves and for the most part successfully self-employed.  With any business this comes with drive, hard work and dedication.  Well for a child in this household it meant lots of responsibilities, hence lots of chores.  They were especially strict about obtaining academic success and pursuing your dreams.  I think I was only 10 years old when I knew what my future career was going to be and from that time on working at Woods Hole Oceanographic was my main goal.  I would not have achieved this without my parents drive to achieve as support.  My grandparents played a very  supportive and loving role in my childhood.  We used to spend weekends with them and we would have popcorn and watch TV and go for long rides one sundays and they always treated us to either a candy bar or ice cream sundae.  I think one of my fondest memories was how my Vo used to tuck us into bed and stay up until she knew we were fast asleep.  She would tell these stories over and over again and every time they would get funnier.  What used to make me laugh was how her hands would be going throughout the story, if you have ever met a full portuguese woman, you would understand.  And then my grandfather would always say "Geez Mary, how many times are you going to tell that story!" And she would start muttering words in portuguese and you knew she was mad.  It was like a 50's sitcom!


  1. Wow, your childhood sounds like you were blessed and showered with love. I enjoyed reading the memories you have with grandma and grandpa, for a minute, I created a mental picture and started laughing too. Thank you for sharing ! I am sure you know how fortunate you were to have career goals at such a young age. For my part, My parents were the most wonderful parents the Lord could of given me , but they were ignorant to the fact that they had to prepare me for a career. In my Hispanic culture, it is very common for girls to graduate high school and get married. It was like once you made it through high school you are done with school.I do not hold nothing against my two loving parents because they did not know any better, but I am canging that course with my children. Like Oprah says"When you know better, you do better..."

  2. Did you learn a lot about culture and your own ancestors growing up? I am many full portugese friends who would relate to their childhood as you did with yours but what I always found so wonderful was how close their families were and how they learned to cook these amazing dishes with mom and grandma. My family wasn't really close like that. It was something I always thought was very sweet. As my grandmother got older, the stories were even funnier and my grandfather was just as grumpy the older he got. I guess being married for 68 years there are many stories to tell. Thank you for the sweet comment!
