Friday, May 11, 2012

Births in Australia

I found this article really interesting.  They have what they call hypnobirthing in Australia.  The idea is that you are put into this relaxed state of concentration at which suggestions are communicated in the subconscious mind, which is the part of the mind that influences what we think and how we feel.  The concept eliminates pain and the reduces the need for chemical painkillers and with "shallow" breathing methods allows for a more raped postnatal recovery.  Here are what some parents said about it" How could I believe this when I had gone through not one but two, long and excruciating labours?  I was petrified-then I found hypnobirthing.  The birth just took four hours.  I was relaxed and comfortable all the way, it was wonderful!"  Another mother writes, " Our daughter came into the world so easy and in such a calm atmosphere."


I don't see anything similiar about these experiences with my own.  They were both beautiful experiences but without pain killers?  I can't imagine that.  My view on development is that I would think any situation without stress is always better for the child.  There are risks with everything including pain killers.  There seems to be a lot less risk involved in this technique but does that mean that they do not have antibiotics if needed as well?

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I love the outlook of your blog. I love the picture of the childcare, very inviting.
    I am definitely intrigued by hyperlink birth originating from Australia.
    Less painkilllers use will save us some complications and improve the quality of the early childcare field, with what we may call BEST CHILDCARE PRACTICES, IMPROVING BIRTH PROCESSES.
    Thanks for sharing, and you are blessed being surrounded with those children of yours.
