Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Team Building and Collaboration Part 1

    During this week, we had an opportunity to discuss some team or group situations that we have been part of what kind of interactions or relations we experienced while being part of the group or once they have split.  During my career as a chemist, I had the opportunity to work with multiple groups including visiting scientists, students who worked in our lab, administrative professionals as well as individuals that I only communicated with through the internet because they were in other countries.  Because this was a work environment, these groups were all high performing with specific goals for why they were working there.  We all had our purpose, members felt safe sharing ideas, unified goals, each remember respected each other, as well as having support from the superiors.  (Fleming & Monda-Amaya, 2001)  It was always a relief to complete a project but sad to see a group separate.  We had many parties and cook-outs to celebrate when the projects were complete to say good-bye to the individuals that were leaving.  I think was so hard because we worked so cohesively together, had a mutual respect for one another, valued each other's opinions and had each embraced a personal commitment to the project we were working on.  (Laureate media, Walden University)
     I can hope that the individuals that I have met along the way in this Master's program that we will keep in touch.  I didn't think that being in an online program that you would actually develop friendships along the way with people in other places but as I found this year, many of my original classmates finished around the beginning of this class. I had a take an extended leave for personal reasons and was not able to keep up with the course work in addition to work and my family and a few of the members of the group thanked me for discussions and blog posts we had along the way and I have to say I was a little sad.  I know that may be surprising but it's true
      I think the adjourning stage is so important because it allows us to self-reflect not only our own behaviors but others as well.  It allows us to see why certain personalities compliment each other and how effective they can be in reaching towards a common goal as well as seeing how conflicting personalities can alter or even damage the outcome of a project.  It also gives us a chance to commend individuals on their accomplishments, their hard work, as well as their expertise and knowledge.  I don't know in life that we often take the time to compliment individuals for just being themselves and doing what they do.  It is nice to have an opportunity to celebrate an individuals contribution rather than just pointing out what may have been done wrong.


Fleming, J.L., & Monda-Amaya, L.E. (2001).  Process variables critical for learning team effectiveness.  Remedial and Special Education, 22(3), 158.

Laureate Education Inc., Walden University "Team Building Strategies" with Dr. Randi Wolfe


  1. Tracy,
    Thank you for sharing your experience and your feelings about adjourning. I like what you said about complimenting others - that is what we have done throughout our experience at Walden... through our discussions issues and bloggings. In a way we have been prepared to continue to look for the good in others and complement and encourage!

  2. Thanks for sharing your post. Complementing each other is something that I think we often forget to do and we do not realize how important it is or the experience that it gives to another person. I agree that adjourning allows for self reflection. It allows you to go back and look at what things went well and what did not so that you are able to improve on yourself. It allows us to see how well we are able to collaborate with others.

  3. Hi Tracey,
    It is pretty neat that you experienced working in high performing groups during most of your time as a chemist. I am sure it made it that more difficult to leave because you had formed so many relationships and connections through those experiences. I am blessed to work in a school where I feel like the teachers I work with are family. We are a really tight knit group. I understand that it makes such a difference when times are tough and you know the people surrounding you are supportive and understanding!

  4. I can understand completely how much life can take a turn and its hard to deal with classes. I'm dealing with that right now. I have a lot going on and still trying to push my way through my classes. You can develop wonderful relationships anywhere and leaving those relationships at anytime can be hard. When we moved around a lot when I was younger because my father was in the Army it was hard to leave my friends. The important thing is that you have the opportunity to get contact information to still contact them.
