Sunday, April 20, 2014

What lead me here

People say a picture is worth a thousand words and I couldn't agree more.  In 2009, after a 12 year career as a chemist I made a life changing decision to leave my career behind and open a family childcare.  I am not going to pretend that my journey to early childhood has been an easy one, but I will tell you it is a decision I will never regret.  I can go on and give you many reasons I am here but the four most important ones speak for themselves.....Ashley, Abigail, Tyler and Allyson.


  1. Tracy,

    I want to thank you for sharing all your experiencce and expertise in the Early Childhood field. Throughout this course,I have enjoyed reading your blog and your discussion posts.I hope someday my classroom looks as colorful and educational as yours.



  2. It is truly amazing that you have left one profession for another. People dream about having courage like that. So cheers to you:) Passion is something that will always have seniority, because it is what you love. I think this speaks volumes about your character. I have enjoyed your blog entries and thoughts and opinions. Your insight has been most helpful and I really feel like you have a lot in store down the road with your business. And I hope to converse with you in future classes.
    Good Luck!

    -Rachel Hendrix
