Sunday, April 20, 2014

Welcome to my early childhood blog


  1. Tracy, your blog is so well put together. I love the pictures that you shared. I can tell that your home daycare is very stimulating. Your childhood experiences seem to be parallel to mine. I had some good childhood experiences, but I also had some challenging ones. I enjoyed reading your quotes as well. I also enjoy having you as a classmate.

  2. Hi Tracy,
    I just wanted to take this time to say thank you for all your positive comments that you posted on my blog page. You give me encouragement even when I felt there was none. I hope we will continue communicating with each other and sharing our learning experience at Walden. I am more than willing to support your blog posting, therefore, I will recommend your site to a couple of my friends. Continue to stay positive, and good luck in this program.

  3. Tracy,
    Thank-you for your support and encouraging words throughtout the duration of this course. I had a lot of inhibitons about online learning in the beginning, but making connections with people like you made me feel much less reluctant about my ability to be successful. I wish you well in your future courses. (carolyn burney)

  4. Hello Tracy,
    Thank You for all the posive comments throughout this course. As this course comes to end end, I was a pleasure meeting you and best of luck to your and your family. Love your blog.

  5. Hi Tracy,
    I just wanted to take this time to extend my professional thanks to you for all of your positive and encouraging feed backs provided through our blog assignment postings. Your comments were carefully considered and taking into consideration. I wish you all the best as you continued your journey through this higher educational process. I hope that we will continue communicating as our past is crossed.

  6. Tracy,
    I am very excited to work you with you this semester in our Building Research Competency. I admire you strength for the decisions you have made in your career.


  7. Tracy,

    I just completed my Capstone class and made sure to thank those who have positively contributed to my journey. With that said, I knew I needed to find your blog and leave a note of thanks for inspiring, encouraging, and motivating me to be great at what I do. Sadly we were not in the same classes near the end :-( I wish you all the best with your future endeavors and may our paths cross one day, that would be wonderful. Thank you for all you do for children and families.
