Sunday, April 20, 2014

What lead me here

People say a picture is worth a thousand words and I couldn't agree more.  In 2009, after a 12 year career as a chemist I made a life changing decision to leave my career behind and open a family childcare.  I am not going to pretend that my journey to early childhood has been an easy one, but I will tell you it is a decision I will never regret.  I can go on and give you many reasons I am here but the four most important ones speak for themselves.....Ashley, Abigail, Tyler and Allyson.

Welcome to my early childhood blog

Week 8 Good bye and thank you!

      These last eight weeks have not only taught me about better ways to communicate professionally but personally as well.  I am thankful for the great discussions and all the personal experiences that many have shared along the way.  I wish everyone well!  Thank you!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Team Building and Collaboration Part 1

    During this week, we had an opportunity to discuss some team or group situations that we have been part of what kind of interactions or relations we experienced while being part of the group or once they have split.  During my career as a chemist, I had the opportunity to work with multiple groups including visiting scientists, students who worked in our lab, administrative professionals as well as individuals that I only communicated with through the internet because they were in other countries.  Because this was a work environment, these groups were all high performing with specific goals for why they were working there.  We all had our purpose, members felt safe sharing ideas, unified goals, each remember respected each other, as well as having support from the superiors.  (Fleming & Monda-Amaya, 2001)  It was always a relief to complete a project but sad to see a group separate.  We had many parties and cook-outs to celebrate when the projects were complete to say good-bye to the individuals that were leaving.  I think was so hard because we worked so cohesively together, had a mutual respect for one another, valued each other's opinions and had each embraced a personal commitment to the project we were working on.  (Laureate media, Walden University)
     I can hope that the individuals that I have met along the way in this Master's program that we will keep in touch.  I didn't think that being in an online program that you would actually develop friendships along the way with people in other places but as I found this year, many of my original classmates finished around the beginning of this class. I had a take an extended leave for personal reasons and was not able to keep up with the course work in addition to work and my family and a few of the members of the group thanked me for discussions and blog posts we had along the way and I have to say I was a little sad.  I know that may be surprising but it's true
      I think the adjourning stage is so important because it allows us to self-reflect not only our own behaviors but others as well.  It allows us to see why certain personalities compliment each other and how effective they can be in reaching towards a common goal as well as seeing how conflicting personalities can alter or even damage the outcome of a project.  It also gives us a chance to commend individuals on their accomplishments, their hard work, as well as their expertise and knowledge.  I don't know in life that we often take the time to compliment individuals for just being themselves and doing what they do.  It is nice to have an opportunity to celebrate an individuals contribution rather than just pointing out what may have been done wrong.


Fleming, J.L., & Monda-Amaya, L.E. (2001).  Process variables critical for learning team effectiveness.  Remedial and Special Education, 22(3), 158.

Laureate Education Inc., Walden University "Team Building Strategies" with Dr. Randi Wolfe

Friday, April 4, 2014

Conflict Resolution

     For this week's assignment, I am discussing  a conflict or disagreement that I have been having with my parents and I am completely at a loss.  My mother sadly cannot get around without a cane for assistance at all times and her health just seems to be getting worse.  My dad still travels for weeks at a time and worries about her constantly.  She has taken a few falls and not been able to get up while no one has been around.  I call her weekly and when my dad is away, I call everyday to make sure she is ok and at times have had to travel to the city where she lives because she did not answer the phone and we are worried about her.  We want to build an addition on our home so they can move here with us but with their own privacy of course.  With a family of 6, it is not the quietest house.  I have tried to use the skills that we have learned, employing active listening, trying to see the situation from their point of view while empathsizing with their situation, as well as looking for alternatives but at this point I am frustrated.
     The first factor is that the financial part of helping us to create an apartment for them is not an issue.  The second is that she does not leave the house or barely her chair at all so I would be doing her grocery shopping and some of the cooking, my dad enjoys to cook.  Third, when my dad travels, we would not have to worry about her being alone.  And lastly, I feel that since I have wonderful neighbors that she knows, she may have more incentive to get around which will improve her overall health.
      Their point of view is they just do not want to move, it is their home and they are comfortable. I completely understand this and I cannot say that I wouldn't feel the same way if I had to leave mine.  My worries are that eventually she will end up in a nursing home because my dad will not be able to take care of her alone.  It would be such a shame to see their hard earned income going to pay for some place that I know she would not want to be away from her family.  She is full Portuguese and stubborn as they come when it comes to asking for help so I could never imagine her amongst total strangers, but maybe I am just being overprotective because she is my mother.  Has anyone ever had a similar situation like this one?