Thursday, March 6, 2014

Competent Communication

If I had to chose one person whom I admire for their communication skills, it would be my children's school principle Mrs. Jackson.  I say this for many reasons.  My children attend a Catholic school of about 200 students, the families and community are very close which we absolutely love for our children.  Mrs. Jackson sends out notices over emails all the time and it is strange but she has a way of addressing the needs of all the families but on a personal level where you can understand how it pertains to just your children.  When you visit the school, she always greats you by name and makes you feel welcome.  This is actually her first year at this school and she has made it her priority to get to know all of the individual families and the children.  When I review the NAEYC's Code of Ethical Conduct, I cannot find any ideals that she does not follow but there are certainly ones that she has mastered.
I 2.2 " To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve." (NAEYC, 2005)
I 2.3 " To welcome all family members and encourage them to participate in the program." (NAEYC, 2005)
I 1.12 " To work with families to provide a safe and smooth transition as children and families move from one program to the next." (NAEYC, 2005)

These are three that just really embrace the level of communication that she exhibits.  We trust that she will do the best for our children.  She is always encouraging parents and other family members to participate in the program and in many cases grandparents are a huge part of the programs.  And when it was time for our oldest to apply to high school, she handled the applications and sent them out with the teacher recommendations personally to make sure all of the students information made it on time.  This was something I did not expect.  Many times in education as parents we feel like we are alone in the process, it is truly a blessing when educators make extra efforts to remind us that we are all in this together.  As an educator, I strive to my best to be honest, caring, trusted and respected, all characteristics that she embraces.  It is my hope that I will have the same impact on my families that she has on us, her communication behaviors are definitely a model to strive towards.


National Association for the Education of Young Children.  (2005, April).  NAEYC code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment.  Retrieved from


  1. It seems as if your children principal is a very dedicated and hardworking person. I think that it is great that she took out the time to personally get to know each individual family. This is showing her dedication to the field of education and to the parents and students that she is serving. It would be great if more principals were like her. I think it would develop more trusting and understanding relationship with parents and families.

  2. It is truly great to hear that your children's principal is so involved and invested in her job. It is such a great feeling when your principal knows you by name. 200 students is a great amount of children to memorize as well as their families. It is nice to feel that your children are in a safe and secure environment. Children are more than just a number and I feel that on top of all of the administrators responsibilities it is great when they truly show they are invested in getting to know the children and their families.

  3. Hello Tracy,
    It is so wonderful to have a person like your children’s principal in all schools. Children’s education process encounters many challenges; therefore, the existence of excellent communicators who are capable of addressing children and parents’ needs and concerns is highly required. Parents are usually anxious when their children enter school for the first time, and people like Mrs. Jackson contribute in decreasing parents’ anxiety as they feel their child is in a safe place among caring people.

  4. Wow! It is wonderful that the principal made it a point to know every family to make them feel special. This is an example for me to follow. It is nice that she is able to address the entire school while making each family feel special. This is a person with wonderful communication skills.

  5. Tracy,
    Thank you for sharing! I am so thrilled to hear about the principal at your children's school. I am impressed that she can remember the names of so many and communicate with all of them. She is a good communicator and a role model for us to follow!
    Talk to you soon, Maria
