Monday, June 8, 2015

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally


      The first organization that interested me was the National Association of Young Children (NAEYC).  Their center for applied research is dedicated to strengthening the connections between early childhood research, practice, and policy (  One of their primary goals is to encourage and support those individuals working in the early childhood field to become critical consumers of research  about early childhood development and education (  My first priority as a professional is to teach at a community college or pursue my PhD so I could teach at a university as well.   They have an opening for a faculty specialist, family science.  Job responsibilities include collaborating with department faculty to develop, implement and coordinate child and family development majors online with residencies programs, on campus and online teaching, advise students in the online with residency program and provide service to the department (  They are looking for a candidate with a master’s in family studies, child development or a related field, experience in developing, implementing, and teaching online courses (  I would need some continued education to be qualified for this position in early education and experience online teaching to qualify for this job but it certainly looks like a great position.
     The second organization that interested me was Children International.  Founded in 1936 it was originally dedicated to healing disabled children and providing outreach services to widows and orphans (   Their mission has been expanded to raise support for the world’s poorest children by creating unique sponsorship program capable of forming personal and lasting connections between one needy child and one compassionate sponsor (  They currently have an opening for a program officer/health and nutrition.  Responsibilities include maintaining knowledge of existing health and nutrition programs and align with global best practices, conduct date analysis to determine appropriate measures for program improvement, seek grant resources through development of technical approaches, identifies and work to establish complementary programs/partnerships in the areas of health and nutrition in children (  They are looking for a candidate that is Spanish/English bilingual, master’s degree in public health or related field, experience in program design, data analysis, excellent communication skills, grant writing experience, and experience with Microsoft office.  I would need additional schooling.  I have 12 years grant writing and data analysis experience from my previous career as a research chemist and have taken Spanish but am not fluent so I would need some additional classes.  It seems really interesting to me even though I would probably need a lot more education to be qualified!
     The third organization that interested me was UNICEF.  UNICEF is the leading humanitarian and development agency working globally for the rights of every child ( Their mission is to provide every child with safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflict (  They have spent over 60 years working to improve the rights of children and families by partnering with leaders and policy makers to advance the access of children’s rights, especially the most disadvantaged (  They currently have a consulting position for improving the education quality in Uganda.  Responsibilities are to offer support to the government and its partners to improve the quality of education.  The individual will be required to build on previous initiatives and offer options to move forward (  Qualifications include a master’s in education, minimum 8 years of research and analysis experience, excellent organization and communication skills, familiarity with Uganda education and developmental partners (  As with the other two positions, additional education would be required for me as well as familiarizing myself with the education system in Uganda.  It just looks like it would be an amazing experience for the right candidate!
Children’s International Retrieved from
National Association for the Education of Young Children Retrieved from
UNICEF Retrieved from


  1. Hi Tracy, you picked some top notch organizations that is simply made for children, teachers and families. And the positions you chose are very challenging!…Can you see yourself actually living in Uganda doing this for children? I know you say that you may need some more eduction to fulfill some job requirements, but you are one smart and talented individual…I think you'll do absolutely fine…good luck in your future and keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Talisha,
    Thank you for the sweet comment! I think it is amazing that people can commit to such an important cause. We have so many amenities in the United States that we just take for granted all the time. It would definitely be great to be part of something that would have such a huge impact on children in a part of the world that does not have the resources we do. I am happy to say though that even though I am so inspired my life is very full here with my husband and four children. I just could not pass posting it when I thought about what a life changing experience it would be for someone and the fact the opportunity exists is really promising.

  3. Hello Tracy,
    I like all the organizations you chose, especially the second one. Children International seems to care about each individual child. Healthy, consistent relationships help children to thrive so I am glad this organization tries to form lasting connections between sponsors and children.


  4. Hi Tracy, I agree that these positions would be great for the right candidate. Maybe when we get our PhDs...

  5. Tracy,
    thanks for sharing this was a wonderful assignment that allowed for us to look beyond.

  6. Ms.Atwood,
    Your selections were very interesting. The NAEYC has a great employment site that has many opportunities globally. It was the first professional organization I joined after starting my degree.

  7. Talisha,

    I think you made some very good selections for employment with international organizations. NAEYC is a great organization to work for, they have great resources. I believe that they do well with training educators and ensuring that all children are receiving a quality education. Best of luck,

  8. You have chosen some interesting organisations. What stood out to me was the fact that for the position in Children International, they requested one of the assets the person should have is being bilinguals, being able to speak both Spanish and English. This shows the importance of learning another language.

  9. Hello Tracy,

    You picked wonderful organizations to explore further. I feel that the organizations you chose will give you such great rewards both professionally as well as personally. I have learned so much about NAEYC and what they stand for. It is amazing how there are so many organizations both nationally and internationally that want to be those catalyst for social change and uplift children and their families. Great blog!
