Saturday, November 3, 2012

Professional Contacts & Expanding Resources

I have attempted to make two professional connections this week by email from the UNICEF organization.  The first is Dr. Lisa McClean-Trotman, she is the communication for development specialist at the UNICEF office for the Eastern Caribbean Area, which was found in the website under Latin America and Caribbean.  Their website is The other contact that I have attempted to make by email is Nikita White, she is the advocacy officer for Ireland, which was found under the industrialized countries of UNICEF.  The website  is

The website that I have chosen to study is the Children's Defense Fund, the link is  I have read so many wonderful things about the organization including their mission statement , No child left behind and to give each child a healthy, head, safe and moral start. (Children's Defense Fund)  I also have great admiration for their president, Marian Edelman Wright and all of the great work.  Her most recent post is about scholarship receipient Maggie Hobbins and how she overcame diversity from a life of child of a alcoholic mother, lost her father, was homeless, and dyslexic to becoming an overachiever with AP courses and a 4.0.  It was truly inspiring and I cannot wait to read more about the other wonderful things the organization is doing.


  1. I too am finding this experience exciting, I have heard about the Children's Defense Fund but have not explored their contributions to early childhood and look forward to learning about them through your blog posts. All children deserve a healthy safe and moral start, love their mission, and happy to be a part of that work too. Great Post!

  2. These are rather fun assignments. I think we will all benefit from these experiences. The Caribbean and Ireland... Why did you choose these two disparate locales?

  3. I have read up a lot on the Children's defense fun and think it is an extraordinary organization I look forward to following your views and further research of the organization.
